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B e a r i n g Witness

Stories of supporting my husband through mental illness

I'm just here to say: I see you. Supporting a loved one through mental illness is hard and lonely. I hope you feel less alone through reading our story.

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As I write this, Nick and I are sitting at Starbucks. He's sitting across from me working on policies and procedures for our business....

"You Don't Understand!"

Nick uttered (or sometimes yelled) these words to me more times than I can possibly count. "You don't understand!" became a daily phrase...

A Bumpy Recovery

When Nick got rid of his video games, it was the start of his recovery. It was not the day everything suddenly got better. There isn't a...

How the Mental Health Stigma Affects Supporters

By now, we've all heard the rally cries to "end the stigma" surrounding mental illness. And while there is a stigma that surrounds mental...

Dear Daisy

Dear Daisy, You were the first one to know. You were my first confidant. You knew from the beginning that something was wrong. I watched...

The Alcohol Problem

Alcohol began to play a role in coping with Nick's mental illness - for both of us. That's not to say that either one of us ever met the...

May 1, 2020: The Next Chapter

May 1, 2020 will always be a day Nick and I celebrate. Beyond it being my mom's birthday (hi, Mom!) it's the day Nick started his next...

I Wanted a Divorce

I've been delaying this topic for a while. It's hard to talk about for a multitude of reasons. Before I go on, I want to make it...

The Mindset Shifts (4/4): Teammates

Imagine this: you work in an office and you have two bosses. One boss wants to expand the number of services the business offers. The...

The Mindset Shifts (3/4): "What if this were me?"

So far, I've covered two of four mindset shifts: You can't solve an internal problem with external solutions. There's room for tough love...

Counting the Pills

In 2018, Nick lost his dad, family dog, and then his aunt - all within a 3-month period. A few days after his aunt passed, we were...


Caregiving. It is hard, and few understand why. It is not for the meek, the mild, the despairing. It is not the day-to-day tasks, really:...

COVID Shutdowns

The kidney stone debacle was behind us. We were sitting at just over $30,000 in medical debt. Nick's mental health was at an all-time...

Nick's Story

Hi everyone! My name is Nick. I'm Erica’s husband. I have OCD, otherwise known as obsessive-compulsive disorder. In short, OCD means that...

Hiding the Percocets: Part II

The prescriptions were for percocets and another drug used for kidney stones; although I forget which one. I put the prescriptions in my...

Hiding the Percocets: Part I

Around this time, Nick had started mentioning thoughts of driving his car off one of the Colorado mountain roads with hopes he wouldn't...

New Chapter, Same Story

My memory of the timeline of events gets hazy after we moved to Colorado. I was so overwhelmed that I truthfully have no idea if my...

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